Owner, LPC, CPCS,
Certified Irlen's Screener
Location: Buford, Gainesville, Telehealth
Specializations: Children/adolescents, adults, families, addiction, behavior management, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, trauma, life changes, and adjustment issues.
Jeimy Madrid
Location: Buford, Gainesville
Nairi Gilmer, MS
Associate Professional Counselor
Location: Gainesville, Telehealth
Specializations: Adolescents, adults, anxiety, depression, PTSD/trauma, self-esteem
Heather Barton, BS
Counseling Intern
Counseling Intern
Location: Gainesville, Telehealth
Specializations: clients of all ages
Mikayla May, BA
Counseling Intern
Astraea Roberts, BA
Counseling Intern
Lauren Shinn, MS
Counseling Intern (She/Her)
Location: Buford, Telehealth
Specializations: Motherhood, parenting, self-acceptance, ADHD, anxiety, depression